Meanwhile, in the Grammar Crisis room....

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

MSN bitches about commercials, too

Apparently, I'm not the only one who complains vociferously about commercials: MSN has a piece up about the best and worst commercials of 2006.
Never mind the fact that we're in the middle of August (August, last I checked, was the 8th month, not the 12th), the writer names the "Headon" commercial as the worst of the year.
Really? Headon? Remember, this year saw the release of "Little Man." The ads for "Little Man" would ruin the appetite of a starving man.
Also borne from this year was the Taco Bell clown. That ad destroyed any chance of my ever eating at a Taco Bell again. In fact, I intend to purchase a franchise for the sole purpose of shutting it down. Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it, you goddamned clown! (That is, if the clown owned a pipe, and if my rage could somehow manifest itself into a rank chunk of tobacco.)
Sure, the Headon commercial may annoy with repetition ("Headon! Apply directly to the forehead!"). It may even rankle some with its poor production values.
But is it a genuine sign of the apocalypse, like the face of a Wayans brother appearing on the body of a child? I think not.
MSN, consider yourself schooled.


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