Apparently, MSN is a lot more interesting over there
So, I was browsing through my Statcounter stats (because I honestly have nothing better to do), and I saw that a full 9 people have reached my blog while searching Google for "msn bitches" (they got sent here, in case you're curious). I was, as you see, using the word "bitches" as a synonym for "complains," but apparently, people were searching for MSN-themed pornography. Who, exactly, finds MSN hot enough to fantasize about is beyond me, but I've been getting them left and right.
It gets weirder: all of the people who searched for this are from Europe.
This leaves only three possibilities:
- Microsoft is synonymous with "sexy" in Europe.
- MSN means something completely, completely different over there.
- My European fanbase is bigger than I care to admit.
P.S.: Campusfood, Campusfood, Campusfood, Campusfood, Campusfood, Campusfood, Campusfood, Campusfood.
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